a) Shrink2 + Large2:

(d) was even more washed out using imwrite; imshow was used.
(5) The wiki image (code below):
Enlarging the Facebook Rainbow:

Enlarging the Facebook Rainbow:
(2) Nearest Neighbor - Method 2:
shrink2: f=0.75 + large2: r=4/3

shrink2: f=0.25 + large2: r=4

shrink2: f=0.1 + large2: r=10

shrink2: f=0.1 + large2: r=10
(3) Imwrite does not seem to work to display enlarged images using bilinear interpolation (large3). The code runs in Octave but the images are very washed out. The images are similar to those created from large2, with slightly poorer resolution.
(1)a) f1=1, f2=0.5
b) f1=0.5, f2=1

c) f1=0.2, f2=0.8
Since (c) is very dark, I experimented with different factors. In the image below, f1=0.25 & f2=1, these factors are as close as I could come to the ones suggested in part (c), before the image had black lines.

c) f1=0.2, f2=0.8